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Here is the patient (You) in focus and the contract-giver. We offer support in form of personal counseling and seminars

We are offering personal counseling, supporting You in all interactions with healthcare providers, social services, employer, ensuring early diagnosis, optimal and timely treatment and optimal re-integration in working environment. We negotiate on Your behalf on optimal diagnostic and treatment solutions, being the main point of contact for You. In this role, we are selecting an optimal healthcare professional / hospital, seeking second opinions as needed and representing solely Your interests. Focus here is – Your quickest possible recovery and Your quality of life. 

We are also offering seminars for (cancer) survivors, as a platform for gaining knowledge from experts on various coping strategies and interaction and exchange of personal experiences.

The cancer hits the affected person unprepared and claims a large portion of his productive life. Depending on the type of cancer and the stage of discovery, the cancer is curable; In most cases You live with it for life. Therefore, it is important to come to terms with the cancer and to make the everyday life content. You can, despite the cancer, be strong and beautiful and enjoy life. In our seminar series, You will get first information about the challenges in life with cancer and how to master it. Seminars are organized in series, each particular seminar addressing a separate topic.

- Body & Beauty – Body changes, following the cancer and its treatment. Perception and acceptance of this changed body and love for it is crucial for Self-development and regaining self-confidence – as a basis for own well-being and for emotional and physical balance. This also counts for all causes of body alteration, following cancer, experienced violence, injury or altered body perception of different causes.

Illness and aging alters body and impairs both its function and its optical appearance. Nevertheless, our mental health and self-esteem is very dependent on our appearance and serves, not to be neglected. Back through the history, Plato recognized importance of beauty as «natural superiority ». Somewhat later, the Viennese evolutionary biologist Karl Grammer represented some analyses, indicating tendency of privileging the beauty.

Our aim is – to bring the smile (back) onto Your face and help You, restore that, what illness, or aging has altered. We are supporting You, within patient advocacy  programs, or on individual basis, in this aim through our partners, qualified specialists in the area :

- Skin alterations (due to aging / pregnancy / chemo-therapy / radiotherapy / injuries / burns)

- Body alterations (due to aging / pregnancy / weight-changes / cancer / metabolic illnesses / loss or organ/function)

- Reconstructive surgery

- Nutrition & Sport - supports the regeneration of the body after surgery, during and after chemo and radiation and furtheron through the aftercare - time. The strengthening contributes to mildening side effects of the treatments and supports the healing process. Joie de vivre is increased, the self-confidence is strengthened and the lasting tiredness is reduced. In addition, sport and exercise positively influence the body's defenses. Our habits, what do we eat and how active we are, plays a great role in maintenance of our health. At latest, when the disease occurs, moreover as a prevention, establishing balanced nutrition and corresponding physical activity and its long-term-maintenance is our target. We collaborate, within patient advocacy, with our partners, personal trainers, offering you integrative support.

We offer following individual consulting and seminars:

- Preventive nutrition coaching for long-term weight management and maintenance

- Preventive nutrition seminars for performance improvement in occupational environment

- Therapeutic / supportive nutrition & sport coaching (postoperative recovery, cancer, metabolic diseases) :

        o Nutrition during and after the operations

        o Nutrition during chemo and radiation

        o Nutrition in the hormone-dependent breast cancers

- Preventive sport coaching for weight-loss- support and activity-maintenance

- Therapeutic / supportive sport coaching (postoperative recovery / muscle strengthening)

        o Sports after the operations - when / how much / what

        o Sports during chemo and radiation

- Sexuality and partnership - an important factor in regaining one's identity as a man / woman / desirable / attractive. Joie de vivre is increased, health is supported and the intimate with the partner is strengthened. Family planning is also addressed here. Sexuality is often a taboo, especially when a life-threatetning disease needs to be dealth with. 

Most common issues linked to sexuality, becoming actual during an encounter with cancer, are :

- Altered body image and sexuality

- libido reduction

- Loss of function after operations

- vaginal dryness

- Toxic excretions

- erectile dysfunction

- Orgasm after prostatectomy

- Burden on the relationship

- family planning

- Involving the partner / partner and the child in cancer treatment

We are addressing those issues within patient advocacy, in our seminars, designed to re-build relationship to own (altered) body, Learn to love and feel the new body and the (new or missing) breast, to feel and enjoy it and to perceive it as erotic and wanted, Strengthen mental power and self-confidence, Involve the partner and introduce him into own (changed) world, learn to enjoy together.

Breast cancer and loss of the breast represent a massive attack on own femininity, womanhood and sexuality. Affected woman feels unattractive and unsecure and the last thing she thinks of is sex. Though, it is precisely a fulfilled sexuality, that is the enriching one, both for the self-consciousness and own self-esteem as a woman, as well as supportive for a faster healing process and mildening side effects of the chemotherapy.

The seminar provides a framework for those concerned to re-discover own mental strength and to regain self-confidence and thus to find new courage for exploring own body and own needs as well as erotic pleasure. The partners of affected women will be advised, how to support the affected partner and how to guide her gently back to mutual sexuality.

- Work - supports self-motivation and self-esteem as well as professional recognition, thus also the recovery process. You perform again and can set goals again

- Society, friends and family / anti-stress / mental training - important support for personal self-recognition and the maintenance of social exchange. Involving the family and children in the treatment. Support from the friends. Strengthening own personality, mental training. Stress as a recognized contribution factor to numerous diseases, such as cancer, burn-out and cardiovascular diseases. Within patient advocacy, we collaborate with our partners (mental trainers, Yoga-teachers, TCM- practitioners) on integrative anti-stress-programs, supporting main therapy, or in a prevention or corrective / treatment setting on addressing particular aspects of mental strengthening and stress-prevention with a cancer patient.

Within this chapter, in our seminars, we are also addressing various stress factors, belonging to cancer patient`s daily life, such as :

• Stigmatization by society

• Fear and restraint in the circle of friends

• Restrictions in everyday life


This educational session for health professionals puts the patient`s quality of life in focus and targets raising awareness for a need to consider patient`s quality of life and optimize the therapy accordingly. This educational session is based on latest international data, providing a framework for all involved health care professionals, wishing to follow the newest trends in modern cancer management, with implementing personalized medicine in all its aspects and wherever possible, for the sake of “primum non nocere”.

Cancer treatment takes 15 years or more (in case of Breast cancer) out of a patient`s (most productive part of) life. The newest drug development enables increasingly (major-)toxicity-free treatment; newest surgical methods enable optimal cosmetic (reconstruction-) solutions without compromising safety. Nevertheless, gold standards are still spread and seldom questioned, their toxicity taken into account, although avoidable. Implications of post-surgery and toxicity of therapeutics on every day life are often overseen and not communicated. Optimized surgical solutions are often abandoned for presumed prejudiced (not justified) safety concerns, of simple convenience of a surgeon. What is missing – is awareness of the fact, that this patient walks out of a clinic into her everyday life, in which she is a woman, a partner to her lover, mother to her children, a professional to her work environment – living a life as anyone of us lives.

This educational session involves information on :

- The newest Trends in Breast Cancer Management, from the latest International conferencies

- Guidances for Oncologist – Surgeon – Radiologist – from a perspective of a Physician and a Patient

- (De-)escalation trend – functionality and cosmetic implications in balance with safety considerations

- Implications on every day life of a patient


An employee off-work costs a company (absences, premature retirement, death) and the major absence-cause are non-communicable diseases (indirect costs 2.5-5 Billion CHF/ year). Employer has an interest to get an employee back to work and back to productivity as soon as possible (and reduce number of Lost-Workday-Cases / LWC and improve company`s DART - and OSHA incident rate). We are offering case-specific consulting and integrative programs for companies and individual employees on facilitating employee`s recovery and work reintegration process. For details, please visit our case management chapter.

In addition, we offer seminars for managers / enterpreneurs / HR Staff, which are designed to raise awareness and knowledge about the challenges and way to overcome them, including practical implementation tips. Seminars address the working environment of a patient, targeting enabling of reintegration of a patient / employee, up to full performance and consideration of health precautions. The seminar provides a framework to learn for the occupational environment of the person concerned, through greater awareness of the disease, how to motivate and encourage those affected, health-friendly, to perform. Not only does it prevent the loss of know-how and additional effort and resources to train new workers, but it also gives You a motivated, loyal employee / colleague / business partner and their faster return to business with full performance.

Disease course as well as the long treatment represent a massive impact on the affected employees, their physical and mental strength as well as their self-confidence and the performance. Affected person is tired, often fights with the pain and discomfort and needs in between the rest periods. Nevertheless, the employee's effective performance reduction is often much lower than the fears of their working environment, which, because of anxiety and lack of knowledge about the disease, often resort to infrequently justified and consequential exclusionary measures that are often counterproductive to all involved. It is precisely the professional recognition for those affected enriching manifold, both for the self-esteem and their own professional realization, as well as support for faster healing process.

Topics discussed are following :

• Working ability during different treatment phases

• Working as the way back to everyday life

• support the employer in the work reintegration process – this is preconditioning patient`s consent


We bring healthcare providers and patients together. You are a newly opened clinic / praxis / institute, offering competitive healthcare diagnostic / treatment ? Or are You a clinic / praxis / institute, placed at an attractive (touristic) location, offering cost-effective high-quality diagnostic / treatments ? You are very welcome, contacting us, to work out the best possible way to bring patient in need to You. Our network is currently covering Switzerland and Europe, expansion is planned.

Numerous healthcare providers and our partners benefit from patient acquisition through our patient advocacy or case management services.


We are looking forward to hear from You



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